Car theft prevention –Then and now

Car theft prevention –Then and now

Car theft prevention is a matter of serious concern nowadays. However, it started a long time ago. To put it simply, the necessity for protection started from the time when the problem appeared. Various factors influence increasing the vehicle crime rate, but it is not always the same. Government, individuals, manufacturers and organizations have always shared responsibilities when it comes to taking precautions. So, measures vary from time to time, depending on the type of thievery. Defense technologies are evolving, so the skills of criminals are changing according to them. It would be interesting if we discuss how those changes happen and what is the current situation nowadays. 

Let’s start by discussing the severity of the problem, and the efforts of the government and individuals. Then we will move to the modern methods and learn how different measures when it comes to keyless car theft prevention. Keep on reading to learn the most interesting highlights and facts related to the topic. Let’s start!

The ultimate necessity of car theft prevention

Why car theft prevention is necessery

The criminal act of stealing or attempting to steal motor vehicles is always associated with great financial and property loss. Numbers reflecting the loss are the reason for worry all the time. It doesn’t matter when it happens. In 2019, about three-quarters of a million cars were stolen which cost $6 billion. In 2020 the situation was even worse, resulting in a loss of  $7.4 billion. The issue was also severe in the past, in 1981 the loss comprised 3.4 billion dollars. At this time it was the greatest loss ever before.

The severity of the issue was obvious despite the improved security measures in the previous decade. The fact is that it is still an unsolved problem and remains a challenge for society, government and carmakers. Skilled criminals can defeat any security measures. Most of them do not even need to do it, they benefit from the opportunities the owners create with their carelessness. When it comes to a lack of common sense, even the most reliable tools can be useless. 

As we see, time changes, but disappointing statistics of thievery stay the reason for concern. The point is that it takes a joint effort to solve the issue. In the following paragraphs, I am going to talk about the responsibilities of all. Let’s review chronologically the course of actions the government took to combat automobile burglary.

The government effort

What government does agains the fraud

The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) of the Department of Transportation promoted standards for all vehicles in 1981, which aimed to defend the right of owners and discourage theft. According to Federal Motor Vehicle Safety Standard, each vehicle should have a unique identifying number. Se know it as a VIN (17-digit code). Firstly, it was introduced before that year, however, there was no standard and each manufacturer used different formats. After becoming the standard for all vehicles, it is still the best tool for identifying and keeping records of vehicles. The Department of Transportation issued the Federal Motor Vehicle Theft Prevention Standard, which required manufacturers to write VIN  onto the engine, the transmission, and 12 major body parts. Carmakers could install anti-theft devices instead of marking those car parts. The ultimate goal of this law was to make it easier to identify the hijacked vehicle or its parts. 

Firstly, it seemed that marking did not have a great effect, but later it became obvious that it served as a good tool for identifying and recovering seized autos. Finally, statistical analysis showed that the above-mentioned law was foolproof. It worked and decreased the level of offense. 

Despite the good effect of marking and installing protection tools, it was not widely accepted. There were many vehicles without marked parts and defense mechanisms did not come as a standard for all. Additionally, insurance companies did not make a proper inspection of marked parts. All of that makes it obvious that more things need to be done. 

The strategies which seemed effective in the last decade, do not serve today. In the era of modern technology, when we own smart vehicles with advanced locking systems, we need to take advanced measures to Preventing Auto Theft.

Organizations effort

Different types of organizations always play a vital role in fighting against auto thievery. They discuss the problem openly and search for solutions. Let’s learn about some of them and their purpose:   

National Insurance Crime Bureau (NICB) – is a non-profit organization, formed in 1992 from a merger between the National Automobile Theft Bureau (NATB) and the Insurance Crime Prevention Institute (ICPI). The organization is fighting against insurance fraud and crime. They managed to do that in various ways. They work with law enforcement, insurance companies and consumers tightly. Raising public awareness is one of their priorities. 

The American Association of Motor Vehicle Administrators (AAMVA) – is a non-governmental, voluntary, tax-exempt educational association, formed in 1933. They work to develop model programs in motor vehicle administration, law enforcement and highway safety. The association serves as an information crossroads and acts as an international mediator for these interests. The organization worked actively for improvement in titling and registration practices.

The International Association of Auto Theft Investigators (IAATI) –Founded in 1952,  the leading organization that works to improve coordination among automobile theft investigators. They recognize that investigation is more fruitful with the united effort of the public and private sectors. Therefore, their membership also includes the insurance industry, automobile manufacturers, car rental companies and the National Insurance Crime Bureau.

As you see, voluntary organizations have an important role in Car theft prevention. Their efforts need to be appreciated at any rate. So, it is high time to talk about the current situation. Nowadays, individuals need to take more responsibility for avoiding vehicle robbery. Needless to say, manufacturers and the government should work on that, but statistical analysis shows that when it comes to the modern locking system – keyless entry, owners should take control of their automobiles. If they do not consider strengthening security measures, it will be harder to ensure proper defense. So, the common recommendations that you will learn in the following paragraph focus on keyless car theft prevention, but they will help you in any case.

Vehicle Theft Prevention tips

Useful tips for vehicle Theft Prevention

You may encounter various tactics that you find easy to implement in your daily life. But trust me, they are not as easy as they sound. One of the main factors that make it easier for wrongdoers to steal your automobile is carelessness. The Tulane University Police Department is a full-service law enforcement agency that introduces the results of nationwide investigations. Analysis of investigations showed that 31% of all vehicle owners don’t lock their doors, 11% of owners admit that they sometimes leave their keys in the ignition, and 80% of stolen vehicles were open. So, statistics like that make it clear how important it is to pay attention to everything before you leave the automobile. Recommendations are as follows:

Park in a well-lit area – If you can’t park your automobile in a garage, choose a well-lit area, where it will be in the center of attention. If you choose the driveaways, make sure that it faces the street, if anyone tries to tamper with the engine they will be visible to neighbors and police.

Lock your automobile. You may have heard this advice a thousand times, but it’s a high chance to forget it. So, make sure to lock windows and doors. As we mentioned it is one of the factors that encourage criminals to break- in.

Do not put valuables on the display. Leaving your valuables on the display is another form of inviting thieves to rob you. So, make sure that laptops, wallets, Ipads, cell phones and other valuables are not on display.   

Installing  Kill switch. It is a simple switch that is connected to one of the starting parts (fuel pump, fuse box, ignition, battery,) to “kill” the power to that part when it’s switched on.  In simple words, it cuts the power in an automobile and makes it impossible for criminals to snatch your property.    

Install alarm. It will be the best warning tool that is meant to discourage offenders to mess with your property.   

Protect your key fob. It is the most relevant advice for those who own a keyless entry automobile. Today it is becoming more and more common, so it is worth considering this tip. The point is that stealing your vehicle is possible without owning a physical key. Criminals can wirelessly connect to your key fob with special signal amplifiers and fool the automobile that the fob is near. This is the common way your automobile becomes vulnerable to theft. So,  Preventing Auto Theft is directly related to protecting the key fob. There are various alternative methods to ensure it. You can purchase special wallets to keep them, the goal of the wallets is to block radio signals. However, if you strive for more reliable security options, you may love the latest solution in protecting your fob which I am going to talk about.

A Smart Keyless protector

An innovative chip specially created for ensuring guaranteed protection of your fob. It is designed to work against signal extender, which is a widely used device for organizing relay attacks. An electronic chip needs to be installed in the key fob. It covers the battery from both sides and with a motion sensor detects the motion to turn the fob on/off.  This chip consists of a 3D motion sensor, LED indicator, microprocessor, and flexible base. It deactivated the key fob after 3 minutes of being motionless. Guaranteed security and superiority over other alternatives is what makes the chip a special and widely acceptable tool. You can purchase the protect online. If you have any further questions, please check the services or get in touch.


Thus, it would be an interesting journey in the history of  Car theft prevention. You learn what was done in the past and what are the modern trends to ensure a safe environment for your automobile. So, the choice is yours. Is security your priority? If your answer is yes, all you need to do is implement a modern method to do it efficiently.
